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Events & Celebrations

Every event at Presidium is an opportunity for students to showcase their talents and capabilities and learn new skills. The programmes we organise include Annual Day, Parenting Seminars, PMUN, Sports Day, Christmas Carnival and many other festive activities.

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  • The Presidium
  • The Presidium
  • The Presidium
  • The Presidium
  • The Presidium
  • The Presidium
  • The Presidium
  • The Presidium

The Chairperson, Mrs. Sudha Gupta believes in boosting the confidence of students by recognising their exceptional talents and achievements. A formal luncheon is organised quarterly for honouring the young achievers of Presidium. In addition to this, a Letter of Appreciation signed by the Chairperson, along with a copy of individual portrait clicked with her, is given to the students.

This meet is more like an opportunity for students, where they get to personally interact with Mrs. Sudha Gupta, and share their phenomenal experiences.

Such initiatives at Presidium lift the spirits of young talents and inspire them to become future leaders.

  • The Presidium

    Chairperson Honours

  • The Presidium

    Chairperson Honours

  • The Presidium

    Chairperson Honours

  • The Presidium

    Chairperson Honours

  • The Presidium

    Chairperson Honours

  • The Presidium

    Chairperson Honours

  • The Presidium

    Chairperson Honours

  • The Presidium

    Chairperson Honours

  • The Presidium

    Chairperson Honours

Annual Day celebration, at Presidium, is a grand five-day event organised with great zeal and enthusiasm every year. It is often the most awaited event not only for the students, but also for the every member of the Presidium family.

Graced with the presence of Mrs. Sudha Gupta and top dignitaries from different fields, Presidium Annual Day celebration is an event worth watching.

Apart from the display of talents, one can also witness the inclination towards creating a better society in the stage shows performed by students. Such initiatives by young Presidians makes the whole event a cherished experience for school staff as well as parents and grandparents.

The event also includes a devoted period of time for felicitating the go-getters and best performers of school. The awards and prizes are more like a motivating force for the students to shine.

This grand event is made grander by the efforts of the students belonging to different academies like Out of the Box, Rhythm of the Soul, The Storytellers etc., and their supportive parents.

  • The Presidium

    Annual Fest

  • The Presidium

    Annual Fest

  • The Presidium

    Annual Fest

  • The Presidium

    Annual Fest

  • The Presidium

    Annual Fest

  • The Presidium

    Annual Fest

  • The Presidium

    Annual Fest

  • The Presidium

    Annual Fest

  • The Presidium

    Annual Fest

Our Sports Day celebration provides a great platform to the students to showcase the spirit of sportsmanship.

The entire event turns out to be an amazing experience for the students, parents as well as staff members when they watch activities of aerobics, yoga and pyramid presented by young Presidians. This event works as a medium to channelise the abundant energy in the right direction and help children discover their interests in outdoor activities.

Presidians also perform stage acts to make every onlooker realise the significance of sports and games in the overall personality development. Also, prizes and medal distribution is part of ceremony as it helps to instil and boost the confidence of the students.

  • The Presidium

    Sports Day

  • The Presidium

    Sports Day

  • The Presidium

    Sports Day

  • The Presidium

    Sports Day

  • The Presidium

    Sports Day

  • The Presidium

    Sports Day

  • The Presidium

    Sports Day

  • The Presidium

    Sports Day

  • The Presidium

    Sports Day

Apart from inculcating the values of quality education, we also encourage students to excel in their innate talent in the arena of theatrics that make a palpable and worthy contribution in their overall development. In Annual Musical Theatre, students from senior wings exhibit various inspiring plays as well as dance performances.

Every play showcased by students brings forth a catharsis of emotions right from Love, Joy, Disgust, Anger, Peace and various others that leave an indelible mark on the spectators.

This event is followed by the much awaited Felicitation Ceremony where the students are acknowledged for their meritorious achievement on the basis of Subject and Over All Excellence by the revered Chairperson, Mrs. Sudha Gupta.

  • The Presidium


  • The Presidium


  • The Presidium


  • The Presidium


  • The Presidium


  • The Presidium


  • The Presidium


  • The Presidium


  • The Presidium


  • The Presidium


  • The Presidium


  • The Presidium


Academic Excellence Awards is a grandiose affair organised every year to offer an ideal platform to students where they can explore, express and showcase their talents, knowledge as well as life skills. The objective is to bring forth the innovative ideas of every student irrespective of his/her academy.

Games like 'Mind-boggling', 'Number Cruncher', 'Weave-a-Story', Do-It-Yourself experiments, etc. make this event more interactive. Our chairperson, Mrs. Sudha Gupta, believes in fostering every individual talent; thus, making sure that no student is left unheard.

  • The Presidium

    Academic Excellence

  • The Presidium

    Academic Excellence

  • The Presidium

    Academic Excellence

  • The Presidium

    Academic Excellence

  • The Presidium

    Academic Excellence

  • The Presidium

    Academic Excellence

  • The Presidium

    Academic Excellence

  • The Presidium

    Academic Excellence

  • The Presidium

    Academic Excellence

Parting brings tears in every eye! This is what makes the citation ceremony a sentimental time for everyone including students, heads, teachers and the parents. At the same time, this ceremony culminates with 'Showers of Blessings' from teachers and heads of Presidium for the students stepping out to a new world of competencies.

Citation ceremony, at Presidium, calls for a mega event organised every year to bid adieu, to acknowledge the talents of outgoing leaders and to encourage them to sharpen their skills and flourish with time. Each student, who is going to appear for the class XII board exam, is felicitated with a citation during the ceremony that highlight their talents and achievements of the bygone years. The children walk up to the stage to light a lamp and move ahead for a bright future.

  • The Presidium

    Citation Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Citation Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Citation Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Citation Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Citation Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Citation Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Citation Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Citation Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Citation Ceremony

Investiture Ceremony is another grandiose affair that is held with zeal and enthusiasm in all the branches every year. During this ceremony, selected students are honoured with their respective badges, each serving to remind leaders about the bag of responsibilities they will be holding for the academic year.

Presidium gives credence to the guiding philosophy 'Be What You Want To Be' fostering students to be the leaders of tomorrow. In addition to the freedom to follow their dreams, we also instill true values in them by providing them a charge of responsibilities at Investiture Ceremony.

Our Chairperson, Mrs Sudha Gupta, also shares words of wisdom with students for appreciating and encouraging them to put in honest efforts for every endeavour and become an inspiration for others. Also, the newly appointed student incharges express their gratitude and took an oath to follow their duties with complete loyalty.

  • The Presidium

    Investiture Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Investiture Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Investiture Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Investiture Ceremony

  • The Presidium

    Investiture Ceremony


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Presidium Model United Nations is a grand academic event where not only Presidians, but also the students from different educational institutions gather to interact and learn about international relations, diplomacy, global issues and the United Nations. Modelled after the UN, PMUN has participants from different schools from all over the world, who act as delegates to form committees and conduct the sessions on global issues. Apart from critical thinking, leadership qualities and teamwork this epic event also trains students in public speaking, debating, research and writing skills.

  • The Presidium

    Presidium Model United Nations

  • The Presidium

    Presidium Model United Nations

  • The Presidium

    Presidium Model United Nations

  • The Presidium

    Presidium Model United Nations

  • The Presidium

    Presidium Model United Nations

  • The Presidium

    Presidium Model United Nations

  • The Presidium

    Presidium Model United Nations

  • The Presidium

    Presidium Model United Nations

  • The Presidium

    Presidium Model United Nations

Youth Parliament serves as an excellent platform for the youth to not only speak up, but also make an impact on the country’s change agenda. It basically highlights the need for thinking change for taking the country forward. We, at Presidium, inspire the young leaders to share their views in an organised way through medium of Youth Parliament where best debaters, policy makers and opinion makers flourish. This is how the bright future leaders emerge with requisite qualities and skills.

The objective is bringing forth the innovative ideas that can truly serve the agenda for change.

  • The Presidium

    Youth Parliament

  • The Presidium

    Youth Parliament

  • The Presidium

    Youth Parliament

  • The Presidium

    Youth Parliament

  • The Presidium

    Youth Parliament

  • The Presidium

    Youth Parliament

  • The Presidium

    Youth Parliament

  • The Presidium

    Youth Parliament

  • The Presidium

    Youth Parliament

At Presidium, we believe that to celebrate different festivals is to celebrate India’s diversity. We celebrate every festival with great zeal, but the wintertime comes with a grand celebration of Christmas, an exciting affair that has a bagful of surprises for everyone including children and adults.

The gaily-decorated food stalls, thematic interiors, captivating activities like tattoo making, magic shows, exciting games like tambola and shooting, joy rides and many other adventure sports add shine and excitement to whole event. Add to it the dynamic dance performance by Presidians. Further, the gift distribution by Santa makes the event more gleeful for every visitor.

  • Presidium School
  • Presidium School
  • Presidium School
  • Presidium School
  • Presidium School
  • Presidium School
  • Presidium School
  • Presidium School
  • Presidium School

Our Chairperson, Mrs. Sudha Gupta, firmly believes that how we bring up children will make a profound difference to the future of humanity.

We, at Presidium, not only emphasise on providing our students with the best of everything, but also to the parents who are simply great. We organise parenting seminars to educate parents on parenting skills. We include a number of interactive activities to make the experience a transformative one.

The objective of such seminars is to work towards social transformation by helping parents to be better so that they can raise children who will grow into responsible citizens who make the world a better place.

  • The Presidium

    Parenting Seminar

  • The Presidium

    Parenting Seminar

  • The Presidium

    Parenting Seminar

  • The Presidium

    Parenting Seminar

  • The Presidium

    Parenting Seminar

  • The Presidium

    Parenting Seminar

  • The Presidium

    Parenting Seminar

  • The Presidium

    Parenting Seminar

  • The Presidium

    Parenting Seminar


Chairperson of
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and The

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Mar 2018
PTM 4 (Session Closing)

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